Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Psalm 103:1-5

 As Americans, one of our top concerns is "our benefits"....as Americans. Whether it be health care, economic, social or other "benefits" that we have enjoyed or hope to enjoy. But today I ask those who are sons and daughters of the Most High, to remember the "BENEFITS" of belonging to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. With that I offer this prayer:

Most Holy One of Israel, I ask this day that you help us to remember all the benefits of being your son or daughter. You offer us more than we can comprehend. Thank you that among the countless benefits; you offer healing, compassion and favor. I pray for those that need a healing touch and a good report from the Doctor today, that your healing, compassion and favor will be upon them. Strengthen your sons and daughters this day. In the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua I pray...Amen and Amen....

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