Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2 Corinthians 4 16-18 Do not lose heart scripture verse gif and mp4

 Hello friends,

Today I am sharing 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18. I created this .gif and the .mp4 version. Please feel free to share. The .gif is the first version and the .mp4 is the second version.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Yahweh (Jehovah) Rapha The Lord Who Heals

 Shabbat Shalom Beloved!

Whew...we have come to the end of this week. Boy some weeks are more challenging than others. This was one of those weeks. A myriad of highs and lows. Days these days, seem to be more like this than a quiet steady cadence.  This week I was reminded of how very dependent we are for every single breath. So I created this gif and from that perspective. Please feel free to share and may you be encouraged by them. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Good Shepherd...Yahweh Rapha, our healer, meet your every need! In the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua HaMashiach!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Psalm 61:2 Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I

 From the end of the earth I will cry to You,

When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:2

Father God, I ask you to be our strength, comfort and compass today. May your sons and daughters grab hold of your Word and hold fast to you....for everything. From their next breath to the last that you give. Thank you for being our shelter. Thank you for being "He who neither sleeps nor slumbers". Indeed you are our refuge and hiding place. We love you and honor you today... In the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus...amen and amen. 
See Less

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Psalm 103:1-5

 As Americans, one of our top concerns is "our benefits" Americans. Whether it be health care, economic, social or other "benefits" that we have enjoyed or hope to enjoy. But today I ask those who are sons and daughters of the Most High, to remember the "BENEFITS" of belonging to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. With that I offer this prayer:

Most Holy One of Israel, I ask this day that you help us to remember all the benefits of being your son or daughter. You offer us more than we can comprehend. Thank you that among the countless benefits; you offer healing, compassion and favor. I pray for those that need a healing touch and a good report from the Doctor today, that your healing, compassion and favor will be upon them. Strengthen your sons and daughters this day. In the mighty and matchless name of Yeshua I pray...Amen and Amen....

Monday, January 4, 2021

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Tree Planted By Water

 Happy Monday Morning,

Today is the start of another work week. Today there are many who have carried the burdens and troubles of the days past into this morning. So I simply offer this morning prayer.

Mighty Yahweh, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus, Yeshua our Savior.  Lord as we begin a new week, I ask that you will teach us how to put our confidence in you. Abba, help us to get up and keep getting up. Abba, for some they feel buffeted on all sides. For some they feel a sense of loss, of heaviness and a whole range of emotional and physical hardships. You know what each and everyone is facing today, this day. So I ask that you come into our situations, that you heal, deliver, and comfort according to your will and great love. Abba, our confidence is in you. In the finished work of the cross. Abba, make us as trees planted by the streams of your living waters. Show us your great love and mercy this day. Thank you that the promise of putting our confidence in you will reap the reward of being steadfast and immovable by your streams. Abba, we love you, we honor you. In the name of Yeshua we pray, amen and amen!

Be Blessed Beloved!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Be Strong and of Good Courage

 Happy Sabbath brothers and sisters,

I am sharing this today as I have been thinking and praying for someone who is really having a tough time at work. There are a lot of issues to say the least. I pray the Lord will speedily bring a resolution to the circumstances and will be gracious to everyone involved. I pray the person in the circumstance will stand strong through the storm and see the salvation of the Lord. We trust in your will and have full confidence that you are in control. Thank you heavenly Father for the answer and for the strength to see it come to fruition. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus I pray... Amen and Amen1

Friday, January 1, 2021


Day 1 of 2021. 

"Despise not the day of small beginnings".  

CLICK HERE to grab this graphic set.

I have created this blog as a place to promote the Kingdom of the Most High God! Of point are the following agendas:

PRAYER: This is central to the core of who I am. I have been called to pray....Pray Without Ceasing...1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18.  I belong to several online prayer groups and the amount of prayer requests is truly something! I am so grateful to serve such a mighty God! I will share more on this as I get started.

STUDY - PREPARE:  There is no doubt that we are living in truly extraordinary times. Drawing close to the Mighty One of Israel, has never been more important. As His Word says.... "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". 2 Timothy 2:15. As time forges ahead, I will share through my own study as well as links and resources I come across as the Lord leads and guides. 

GIFTS - TALENTS:  I so enjoy designing graphics and plan to share as many as I can. I will also be creating various videos as well as sharing links to additional resources created by others in the Kingdom...for the Kingdom.

I expect as I take the first step in obedience, Yahweh will guide and cultivate His plans and purposes for this.

So stay tuned and walk with me.